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Prince Harry

Prince Harry Is 'Paranoid' Royal Family Will Spill HIS 'Deepest Secrets' In Retaliation For Spare!

Prince Harry ‘Paranoid’ Royal Family Will Spill HIS ‘Deepest Secrets’ In Retaliation Over Spare!

Perhaps he should have thought of this before writing a tell-all…?

Prince Harry is reportedly “paranoid” his family will do the same as him and air all his dirty laundry to the press! According to a new source who spoke with Radar Online on Monday, the Duke of Sussex is convinced his upset relatives are preparing to retaliate against him for putting them on blast in his memoir Spare! A palace insider told the outlet:

“It wouldn’t surprise Harry if the royals spilled some of his deepest secrets to the media.”

Well, could he really blame them?? He’s been doing the same thing! And he held very little back in his bombshell book!

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According to the source, part of the reason Harry is so worried is that there’s “so much distrust” between the Sussexes and the rest of the family, particularly with King Charles III and Prince William. Charles, William, and Princess Catherine are all being incredibly cautious when it comes to what they tell Harry and Meghan Markle. They’re even trying to catch them in a lie!! The insider claimed the royal family has been sharing false information with the Archewell founders to see if the couple has been behind the leaks to the press, saying:

“It’s hard for the royals to know if they can have a private conversation without it being leaked.”

Sneaky! Innerestingly, the 38-year-old is supposedly well “aware” of this tactic. So the trick’s on them!

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Despite Charles, William, and Kate Middleton trying to catch the Harry & Meghan stars in a lie, the royals are reportedly leaking plenty to the press themselves, or so Archie and Lilibet‘s parents believe. Take the many disparaging reports that have come out against Harry since the release of his memoir, for example. Per the insider, Harry thinks this is the way his family is trying to get back at him, and it is driving him to a breaking point. The insider explained:

“He is done with all of the mind games.”

Those in the royal family, on the other hand, are just getting started:

“There are individuals inside The Firm who will make it their mission to discredit Harry at any opportunity, especially now that he’s stood up to them.”

Despite his attempts, there’s no stopping the spread of (the so-called) misinformation either, the source noted:

“Not much he can do about it other than dismiss them as lies. He knows this is classic palace damage control.”

With his Netflix documentary and memoir, Harry just waged war amid an already contentious feud, so he’s going to have to deal with the consequences whether he likes it or not! This really shouldn’t be a surprise to him, but it’s sure going to come back to haunt him if his deep, dark secrets really are revealed…

The question is, are there even secrets he didn’t tell us about in his book? Stuff too hot to see print? Because he seemed willing to share the bad along with the good in Spare

While he waits to see how his family retaliates, the Invictus Games founder and the Suits alum are “ready to enjoy some quiet time” as a “change of pace.” What does that mean for his potential appearance at Charles’ coronation in May? Well, that remains up in the air. From the sounds of it, even if Harry does show up, it’ll likely be a very tense reunion! Thoughts?! Sound OFF (below)!

[Image via MEGA/WENN/Avalon]

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Feb 13, 2023 10:52am PDT