How many action stars does it take to screw in a light bulb?
We’re not exactly sure but if the plot of The Expendables 3 has anything to do with screwing in a light bulb, it looks like it takes about half of Hollywood!
Could there BE anymore people in this cast??
Sylvester Stallone has brought even more fire power the third time around, adding Harrison Ford, Antonio Banderas, Mel Gibson, Kellan Lutz, and Wesley Snipes to his already crowded court of trigger-happy heroes!
A new teaser trailer released today is really nothing more than a cast lineup with all of their names being fired into the background. But hey, it still sets the mood for a shoot ’em up action flick!
Ch-ch-check out the first look at The Expendables 3 above!
The Expendables 3 Has More Movie Stars Than You’ve EVER Seen! Watch The Teaser Trailer HERE!

Dec 19, 2013 21:31pm PDT