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15 Stars Who Turned Down Oscar-Winning Roles!

15 Stars Who Turned Down Oscar-Winning Roles!

anne hathaway crying edit
Screenwriter William Goldman once famously said, “nobody knows anything,” referring to how Hollywood has zero idea what will be good and what will be a train wreck.
So when an actor reads for a role in an upcoming movie, there’s no possible way they can predict if the part is worthy of an Oscar or not.
You just have to go with your gut. And for these 15 movie stars, their gut was DEAD WRONG!
We’ve put together some of the celebs who turned DOWN the chance at an Academy Award-winning performance.
What role did Julia Roberts say “no thanks” to that could have earned her Oscar #2??
Did Anne Hathaway miss out on winning TWO Academy Awards in one year??
And you won’t believe who producers originally wanted to play Forrest, Forrest Gump!
Ready to see who wishes they had a time machine so they could go back and say “YES, YES, A MILLION TIMES YES”, to these Oscar-winning roles?
CLICK HERE to see the gallery, ├óΓé¼┼ô15 Stars Who Turned Down Oscar-Winning Roles!”
CLICK HERE to see the gallery, ├óΓé¼┼ô15 Stars Who Turned Down Oscar-Winning Roles!”
CLICK HERE to see the gallery, ├óΓé¼┼ô15 Stars Who Turned Down Oscar-Winning Roles!”
CLICK HERE to see the gallery, ├óΓé¼┼ô15 Stars Who Turned Down Oscar-Winning Roles!”
CLICK HERE to see the gallery, ├óΓé¼┼ô15 Stars Who Turned Down Oscar-Winning Roles!”

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Feb 28, 2014 17:01pm PDT