Teen Mom‘s Jenelle Evans‘ husband David Eason has been sparking a TON of controversy again, this time after being charged with child abuse for allegedly injuring stepson Jace Evans. But it sounds like his allegedly abusive ways go waaaay back.
Ever since he’s been in the hot seat, his first ex-wife, Whitney Rich, mother of his teen daughter Maryssa, has been spilling a ton of tea to The US Sun. She revealed texts he sent last year telling her out of the blue how much he missed her and was still dreaming about her. Ick. And now there’s another new claim that hints at his problematic behavior!
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She told the outlet on Tuesday that David once gifted her a Victoria’s Secret box full of… dog poop!! WTF?! She recalled:
“It was Christmas, and David and I had been arguing. I wasn’t expecting a gift, because he never got me anything anyway…”
PAUSE! Who doesn’t give gifts at all? WTF?! Red flag! OK, go on:
“…so I was surprised when I saw this nicely-packaged Victoria’s Secret bag under the tree.”
She waited until her family was over to open the “gift” — something she regretted once she saw what was inside! She continued:
“In the bag was some kind of s**t. I think it was dog s**t. I was so embarrassed in front of my whole family.”
So cruel!
Innerestingly, David brought up this vicious gift in his text exchange with his ex-wife last year. It was around the time of Whitney’s birthday and he was texting her about arrangements to pick up their daughter that night. David was in the middle of a big fight with Jenelle — so big, they were reportedly on the verge of separation! Needing someone to vent to, he complained about his marriage before apologizing for the crappy present, writing:
“Maybe I’ll get you something this weekend to make up for the Victoria’s secret poopoo surprise
Actually I don’t think there is any way to ever redeem yourself after something like that. I was an a**hole and I want to say I’m sorry for letting you down. I seem to let everyone down without even trying…. or something like that.”
“Or something like that”?!? Dude can’t even apologize correctly!
This was the same text thread he then went on to reflect on how much he’d f**ked up and wished he’d done more to work things out with Whitney, who he was married to for 6 years before she called it off in 2012. Wild — especially after how he treated her! We cannot imagine opening up a gift from your husband (!!!!) and it being nothing but s**t! That’s instant divorce ammo right there!
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[Image via Jenelle Evans/David Eason/Instagram]