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Groom Kicks Wedding Band Out Of Reception -- Because His Ex Was The Singer!

Groom Kicks Wedding Band Out Of Reception -- Because His Ex Was The Singer!

What’s the last thing you want on your wedding day?? Your ex showing up, right? Well, this groom went through that nightmare scenario… Because she was the wedding singer!

A Reddit post shared in the popular Am I the A**hole thread has gone viral after the author revealed how he came face-to-face with a woman from his past on his big day! He explained:

“Got married yesterday. When we arrived at the reception venue, everything was already in place. It was not until when were called up for our first dance that I recognized the singer from the band to be my ex gf from high school. We haven’t talked for over 15 yrs.”


The puzzled groom said he had no clue she was going to be performing because his wife was “in charge” of the music. They never discussed who she booked (not that he necessarily would have known the band’s name anyway, right?). One key detail here? The wife wouldn’t have known either as the couple hadn’t ever spoken in depth about exes! Huh. The band apparently had a great portfolio and was within budget, why wouldn’t the bride pick them, right?

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So once the revelation was made what happened??

The groom told his wife he was “uncomfortable” and “weirded out” by the fact that his ex was performing at their wedding. Hmm. However, his wife asked him to “not make a big deal since the band [was] doing a great job.” Fair enough, right? Maybe a little awkward, but at the same time, she was an ex from 15 YEARS AGO! In high school! He couldn’t be that bothered, right? WRONG.

He eventually approached his ex, who said she only realized where she was performing when she saw some mutual friends in attendance. He noted that she kept it very “professional” — but he couldn’t do the same. Against his wife’s wishes, he went rogue:

“I told [my ex] to finish up in the next 30 minutes and to leave. She looked shocked and so [did] her band members. I reassured them it’s not because of the performance. One of the band members said even though they were being asked to leave early, since they already rocked up and this is a change of mind on the day, there will be no refunds. I told them I won’t be pursuing a refund.”

He continued:

“Told my wife that the band is leaving and she was livid. Kept asking me why it’s such a big deal because of an ex and asked me if I still had feelings for her. I said no that’s absurd, but I felt uncomfortable that I was reminded of my past relationship at the worst possible time.”

Oof! We can certainly see where his wife was coming from… Especially after he made the decision against her wishes! We mean… They dated so long ago, his reaction doesn’t really fit. Right?? We’d be sus, too!

We mean, is there something he’s not saying? Was the breakup awful? Did he pine over her for years? Was he a huge jerk to her and didn’t want her telling his new wife?

Ultimately, they were able to find a new DJ pretty quickly and the wedding continued on, but the OP said his bride “was NOT enjoying it at all.” And afterwards, “she went straight to bed at the hotel” because of how “fragile” his feelings were and what a “waste of money” everything turned out to be.


In the replies, fellow Redditors made it known they believed he was the a-hole in this situation:

“I wouldn’t marry someone as fragile as you. YTA, and you ruined your wife’s wedding day. You were pretty selfish only thinking of yourself. Trust me, you will hear about this for years ( and you should) My condolences to your poor wife.”

“For an ex from 15 years ago!!! Like WTF OP!! You’re the AH and I hope you find a way to make it up to your new wife”

“YTA for ruining your own wedding over nothing.”

“You ruined your new wife’s night over an ex from high school. You ruined the band performance and unilaterally decided that your brand new wife should just deal with a lesser musical option because you couldn’t handle a non-issue. You wasted your wife’s time and money.”

“YTA it’s been 15 years. You unilaterally made a decision without consulting YOUR PARTNER. AT YOUR WEDDING, which it sounds like you weren’t that involved with planning. Start groveling now.”

Yeah, sorry buddy… Maybe you should have just toughed that one out! Thoughts, Perezcious readers?? Do YOU agree he’s the a-hole??

[Images via Sony Pictures Releasing & Lady GaGa/YouTube]

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Aug 20, 2024 11:20am PDT