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Tori Spelling Slams Rumor She ‘Completely Trashed’ Rental Home! Even Her Landlord Backs Her Up!

Tori Spelling Slams Rumor She ‘Completely Trashed’ Rental Home! Even Her Landlord Backs Her Up! 

Tori Spelling is setting the record straight about how she left her rental home!

The Beverly Hills, 90210 alum and her five children reportedly moved out of her temporary place in Woodland Hills not long ago — and left it “completely trashed!” At least, that is what a neighbor claimed! That person said this of the home’s condition:

“The smell of urine is everywhere, on the couch cushions and inside the home. There are marks all over the walls, from who knows what. It’s completely trashed. Just look at the big dumpster they had to bring in. It’s been filled up several times since she moved out on June 1.”

Damn! Pictures even showed a disassembled and “soiled” couch, torn cushions, trash bags, toys, and more on the curb of the house. If it was a complete mess outside the house, you can imagine what the inside allegedly looked like! It apparently was so bad that the neighbor doubted Tori would get her $7,500 security deposit back. Yikes. That’s not good!

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But now, Tori has clapped back at the report! She denied ever trashing the rental home! On the new episode of her MisSpelling podcast Friday, Tori said it was “totally false” that she left behind the smell of urine and “marks all over the walls,” as the neighbor claimed. Even her old landlord and temporary housing manager, Katie, joined the show to defend her from the rumors!

Speaking of the furniture photographed outside the residence, she shared that it was “a couple of years old” and ditching it “had nothing to do with” Tori or the kids. In fact, she called the Scary Movie 2 star “a great tenant,” adding:

“I have nothing but good things to say about you and my experience with you. I’ve never seen anything so ridiculous in my life. We replace furniture all the time in these properties. … This is actually crazy to me that anybody would take the time to take pictures of a debris pickup from the city.”

Someone has too much time on their hands, apparently…

Tori went on to acknowledge that she’s not the “cleanest, most organized person” in the world, noting that things get “messy” and “chaotic” living with five kids. Exactly! Things are bound to get crazy and untidy at times with six people under one roof! But as for her trashing the place? Tori would never — and has never — done so! She said:

“We lead with our hearts, and I would never trash somebody’s property. … Putting out false stories is just incredibly awful and hurtful on a really deep level to people.”

Although Tori “usually [doesn’t] say anything,” the report was “too much” and “pushed [her] as a mom.” Oof. She and Katie then wondered about the identity of the “neighbor” who dropped these allegations, though didn’t name names. We bet Tori is just glad not to be around them anymore, whoever they are! She said on the podcast episode that the family has moved to a “permanent residence now” but did not give any more details about the place. An exciting update!

Hopefully, Tori enjoys her new home — and doesn’t have any nosy neighbors this time! Reactions, Perezcious readers? Sound off in the comments!

[Image via MEGA/WENN]

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Jun 14, 2024 14:15pm PDT